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©2023 Ramada Constanta by Wyndham | Web design: StudioWEBER
- Asigurarea pastrarii distantei sociale reglementate de 1.5 m in toate centrele de servicii: restaurant, bar, sali de conferinte etc.
- Marcarea pavimentelor in vederea respectarii distantei fizice si limitarea aglomerarii clientilor oriunde este nevoie: receptie hotel, lift etc.
- Asigurarea unei distante fizice minime de 1.5-2 m intre mese in spatii publice
- Afisarea vizibila in locuri publice a masurilor ce trebuie respectate in ceea ce priveste distanta sociala, spalatul mainilor, purtarea mastilor, etc., in concordanta cu instructiunile primite de la autoritati
- Instalarea la receptia hotelului a unor protectii din plexiglass
- S-au pregatit proceduri pentru orice modalitate de servire a mesei (room service, bufet cu servire de catre angajatii hotelului a preparatelor ce nu pot fi ambalate individual, servirea mesei in intervale orare etc.)
- Refacerea schemelor cu privire la capacitatea salilor de conferinta cu respectarea distantei sociale recomandate.
- Folosirea echipamentului de protectie, proceduri de curatenie, training si monitorizarea activitatii
- Toti angajatii nostri, precum si clientii, sunt obligati sa poarte masca de protectie in spatiile publice situate in interior
- Facem traininguri regulate cu tot personalul nostru cu privire la respectarea masurilor de prevenire a raspandirii Covid-19.
- Exista instalate in complex dispensere touchless de gel sanitar in vederea dezinfectarii mainilor ori de cate ori este nevoie (lobby, intrare in restaurant, langa lifturi, etc.), in spatiile publice pentru oaspeti si in spatiile de lucru pentru angajati
- Toate procedurile de curatenie si dezinfectie au fost revizuite. S-au achizitionat dezinfectanti certificati si testati anti Covid-19. Personalul nostru a fost informat si pregatit in concordanta cu procedurile puse la dispozitie de catre furnizorul nostru Ecolab (liderii industriei de materiale de curatenie din hoteluri). ex.: toate suprafetele expuse riscului infectarii cu noul virus sunt dezinfectate la fiecare 2 ore
- In camerele ocupate se face curatenie la cerere, respectiv oaspetii pot opta sa nu li se intre in camera pentru curatenie daca nu doresc acest lucru
- In masura posibilitatilor, dupa eliberarea unei camere, in aceasta se poate caza urmatorul oaspete numai dupa 72 de ore, timp in care a fost dezinfectata si aerisita
- Aerisirea zilnica a tuturor camerelor prin deschiderea geamurilor, atat a camerelor libere, cat si a celor ocupate
- Aerisirea de cateva ori pe zi a tuturor spatiilor comune: holuri, lobby, restaurant, sali de conferinte etc.
- Testarea temperaturii tuturor oaspetilor nostri la check-in, precum si a tuturor angajatiilor la intrarea in incinta companiei, in concordanta cu recomandarea autoritatilor. Temperatura angajatilor si a oaspetilor este verificata automat si de la distanta, cu ajutorul termoscanerelor
- Recomandarea platii cu cardul oricand este posibil
- Ensuring the maintenance of the regulated social distance of 1.5 m in all service centers: restaurant, bar, conference rooms, etc.
- Marking the floors in order to respect the physical distance and limiting the crowding of customers wherever it is needed: hotel reception, elevator, etc.
- Ensuring a minimum physical distance of 1.5-2 m between tables in public spaces
- Visible display in public places of the measures to be observed regarding the social distance,
hand washing, wearing masks, etc., in accordance with the instructions received from the authorities
- Installation of plexiglass protections at the hotel reception
- Procedures have been prepared for any way of serving meals (room service, buffet with serving by hotel employees of dishes that can not be individually packaged, serving meals at hourly intervals, etc.)
- Restoration of the schemes regarding the capacity of the conference rooms with respect to the social distance
- Use of protective equipment, cleaning procedures, training and activity monitoring
- All our employees, as well as our clients, are obliged to wear a protective mask in the public spaces located inside
- We conduct regular training with all our staff on compliance with measures to prevent the spread of Covid-19
- There are touchless sanitary gel dispensers installed in the complex in order to disinfect the hands whenever needed (lobby, entrance to the restaurant, near elevators, etc.), in public spaces for guests and in work spaces for employees
- All cleaning and disinfection procedures have been reviewed. Certified and tested anti-Covid-19 disinfectants were purchased. Our staff has been informed and trained in accordance with the procedures provided by our supplier Ecolab (leaders in the hotel cleaning materials industry). eg: all surfaces exposed to the risk of infection with the new virus are disinfected every 2 hours
- In the occupied rooms, cleaning is done on request, respectively the guests can choose not to enter their room for cleaning if they do not want this
- As far as possible, after the release of a room, the next guest can be accommodated only after 72 hours, during which time it has been disinfected and ventilated
- Daily ventilation of all rooms by opening the windows, both free and occupied rooms
- Ventilation several times a day of all common areas: halls, lobby, restaurant, conference rooms, etc.
- Testing the temperature of all our guests at check-in, as well as of all employees upon entering the company, in accordance with the recommendation of the authorities. The temperature of employees and guests is checked automatically and remotely, using thermoscanners
- Recommendation to pay by card whenever possible
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